Privacy Policy for Android Application

“We deeply value your right to a secure and private digital experience. At Ram Antivirus, we are committed to safeguarding your data and respecting your privacy. This foundational principle shapes the core of our Privacy Policy.

We are dedicated to transparency regarding the information we collect and the reasons behind it. We firmly affirm that we neither engage in nor will ever engage in the sale of your data to third parties. Our primary aim in gathering your data is to empower you with robust products and services, ensuring a more resilient and proactive defense against evolving threats.

This Privacy Policy is applicable to all aspects of Ram Antivirus, encompassing our website and products. It elucidates how Ram Antivirus gathers, utilizes, shares, and secures your personal information. Additionally, it outlines the options available to you concerning the use, access, and rectification of your personal data.

For any queries, suggestions, or clarifications, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

Your trust and privacy are of utmost importance to us. Thank you for choosing Ram Antivirus for a safer digital journey.”

What Kind of Permissions do we collect?

simply we take Only the permissions which are Essential to run Our ML model., and Some Basic Functionalities of our Application.,
There are no Sensitive Functions are Taken by Ram Antivirus.

What Kind of Data of the User Did we Take?
we Did Not Take any Kind of User Data.,Not Even the Users Name Also., so There is Not any kind of Unsecured Scenario for Your

what is AI Scan?
the AI scan is the Flagship Feature of Our Application which can be used to Done to Predict the Security Level of Each Installed Application
., as well as Can Also Detect the Security Level of System Apps. The AI scan Only Scan through The Applications., AI scan
Does Not Manipulate any Kind of Data inside Any app/apps.

what is Scan Now Feature?
the Scan Now Feature is Responsible for the Custom Scan., You Can Check for Security Level Directly Navigating Through The
list of Apps

Boost Ram Feature
the Boost Ram Feature Does Not Delete any Kind of User Data of apps